Monday, April 26, 2010

Journal pages

It has been wonderful to hear in=person feedback from our blog-followers, now that we are home. I never imagined we'd have so many blogfans! Thank you all for caring enough about us to follow our journey.
For the final post, I thought I'd post some of the images I sketched in my journal, along the way. I hope you enjoy them. Capturing the beauty of any place, or moment, is nearly impossible, but I always enjoy the challenge of trying.

Beautiful wave at Quimixto, Mexico

Cartoon version of our setup in Chile

Punta Lobos, Chile

Ryan with Volcan Llaima in the background

Volcan Villarica the day after the terremoto

Lounging on Lago Villarica el dia despues del terremoto

Sube la luna, la noche despues del terremoto

Chilean heli bringing supplies to people camping en los cerros

Vista from Buchu

Dark, here, but on of my faves

Inspired by birds and seeds in Buchu

Chilean surf paradise

New friend, Maca, watching the waves in Chile

Celebrating Oliver's birth in Buchu

Rocky point with snoozing ducks

Facing the reality of coming home

While this is the final post for "Jess & Ryan's Southward Journey," we are certain that the journey is continuing. Each day of living brings challenges, surprises, and new joys. Each day we realize that we are not completely in control of the way the day unfolds. Traveling has reminded us of this. It has also reminded us to stay open to the possibility that something wacky might happen, open to meeting new people. It has reminded us that being vulnerable is okay, as long as we're also resourceful. It has certainly given us new perspectives. We feel so blessed to be exploring this awe-inspiring planet, and plan to continue doing so.
Thank you to those who helped make the trip happen, and to those who were interested enough to follow along. We've said it before, and we'll say it again: We LOVE you ALL!
Jess & Ryan