Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Hi everyone.
We have finally found an internet cafe that can read our camera, so I went back and added photos to the last three entries. We hope you enjoy the visuals!
Last night was my favorite campspot so far: just a flat dirt lot right on the beach with a view of the point at Buchupureo (see photo, above). This spot has waves sometimes, but didn´t really while we were there. It was simply a quiet and peaceful night in El Furgon. We saw the crescent moon rise. We had a guest (Rick, traveling solo, cardiolist from New Mexico) over for drinks and an evening snack. We ate by candlelight.
Now we are in a tiny, historic town called Cobquecura, which was apparently founded in the early 1500s but has houses that are even older than that. Many of the houses are built with slate-like stone and roofed with Spanish tiles. Beautiful. I will try to snap a few photos to post.
We are in the process of deciding whether to continue south along the coast, or to head inland toward Pucon. We will let you all know when we decide. In either case, know we will be enjoying the journey.
We are sending you all lots of love. Please pay it forward :)
Jess and Ryan

Monday, February 15, 2010

Ryan´s update

Constitucion had great surf and beautiful hiking.
Our camping spot near Constitucion was in a small, low-key campground right by the ocean.

Giant rock formations near Constitucion.

Fishing boats on the beach in a town called Duao.

We bought fish called Reineta at this fish market. It was yummy!

What is up everyone, Ryan here. Chile is an amazing place, so many things to tell. Life on the road is great we have found really cool spots to camp, cooked somthing from the sea everynight for dinner and it seems like there is a left point break aroud every corner. I have had some really good surf, and met some really cool chilean surfers. The country side is amazing, think southern Oregon coast. There will be a saw mill then a cool little town, 20 miles of beautiful coast and another town, with potential surf spots everywhere. The wind has blown out of the south everyday plenty to kite and there are miles of beach for that, truely an amazing place. The sea food is incredible mussles, clams, oysters, shrimp, salmon, sea bass, and as much as you can eat. El furgon is the bomb great little diesle van, the locales see very few gringos especially ones living out of a furgon. The folks around here are amazing super friendly and beautiful. We have been talking tons of spanish every opprotunity we get, it feels so good to be finally getting my arms around it.. Well life is good... Here is an invatation, we have el furgon, the gas is paid for tell us when you fly in and we will pick you up.... Thanks to all of the people that have made this trip amazing Harry, Tyler, Caleb, Kimmy, Randy, Jim, Alenka,Mom, Dad, Lindsay, Beto,Alex,Carrie, Mike, Angie, Francesco, Lori, Dave, Norm, Barbara, Antenello, Peter, Crystal. I am prbably forgetting someone... Thankyou for being our frinds we love you.. More later I have to drink my cortado grande it is getting cold.