Just a quick note to tell you all that we are well. I am biting at the bit to post photos of this amazing experience, but as I am in someone´s living room right now, it doesn´t seem appropriate to pull out the camera and go through that whole process. Suffice to say, for now, that we have been on a path of one amazing experience unfolding into the next, and then another, and then another.
A few days ago, when we were delivering plastic to some camps, our visit happened to coincide with the arrival of three Chilean helicopters that were delivering supplies. I can´t even begin to describe how beautiful it was to be a part of so many people helping so many people.
Yesterday, we helped an elderly couple here in Buchupureo salvage the wood floor and keepsakes from their adobe home, because they have to tear it down. Turns out their grandsons are two of the six local surfers, who today showed Ryan and LJ some hidden waves in the area. That young man and two friends are currently at our cabin preparing an 'asado' (BBQ).
Today, I went to the farm of a 78-year-old woman to help her remove whatever she could keep from her house, which also will be torn down. I worked with her grand-nieces (20 & 13), which was fun because we spoke spanish together and were able to laugh and play a bit. There are so many details I want to share, but I think I will wait....
We have been invited to eat lunch, which is the big meal of the day, tomorrow at the house of the family we have been helping. They want to share the corn we harvested today, and to thank us. How beautiful!
We have engagements to help lined up for tomorrow and the next day: other people who are trying to move out of houses before tearing them down. It feels so good to have time and energy to help here.
On a different note, we are thinking so much about Kimmy, who is full with baby love, and ready to burst. Stay tuned for an upcoming 'It´s a .....!`We are so excited, and are going to share that joy with our blogfans, too. Stay tuned.
Thank you to everyone who is wanting to contribute to our efforts to help down here. For now, simply understand that your supportive thoughts are fueling our desire to help. You are helping to motivate us, and we appreciate that immensely.
I will try to post a more illustrative entry when I have a slightly more private venue. Until then, know we are thriving in the Epic-Center.
Lots of love,
Jess, Ryan, and LJ