Friday, March 5, 2010

New visions

Hi all.
A new plan for the rest of our trip is emerging, and we feel good about it. Together with our friend LJ, we have decided to load El Furgon with supplies and head to a few of the smaller towns along the coast that we became acquainted with on the way down here. We have a few contacts--both with local people we previously met, and with organizations that are working down here--which will be helpful when we get over there. Our intention is to help in whatever way we can.
Right now, we are back in Pucon. We returned here to pick up LJ and get everything squared away. Yesterday we built a rack inside El Furgon, so we will have more space for materials. We have heard the most useful items are water, non-perishable foods, etc., so that is what we will be gathering today. Our goal is to leave Pucon this afternoon, drive north a bit, and then head out to the coast, via Chillan, to Cobquecura and Buchupureo.
We will do our best to keep in touch, but it may be difficult once we are there. Please know that we are being cautious and planful, and that we have chosen to help in these places because they are full of kind-hearted, peaceful people.
We love you and are grateful for your love and support.
Jess & Ryan


  1. Y'all and El Furgon plus EJ take care and ditto to Jims comment. Might be wise to buy a spare or blowup tires and flares. We are watching all down there and missing you tremendously. What experiences in the realm of things happening in the states verses realities of devastated lives moment to moment there. Love you both,safety first. Love Mom/Cheryl

  2. Just read of aftershock this a.m. after your latest writing it was in Concepcion. Please stay away from large buildings and on as high ground as possible. I am sure that a large majority of Chilians are in that direction,needing help in collecting their lives. Missing you all. Mom and Osmo
